Chuck Her In The Ute T-Shirt
Chuck Her In The Ute T-Shirt
Hand drawn and screenprinted at Cusack Creatures HQ in Melbourne, Australia.
We’ve all been there. You hop in your 2009 beat up Toyota Hilux, you drive home from your nonensical job, and what do you see on the side of the road? A CRT TV with a huge crack in the screen and has been rained on so much that it has the smell of death coming off it. But you know you have to take it home to connect the PS1 to to play FF7 again to try and do the first reactor level 99 Cloud and Barret challange again. Well, in this case, the only thing you can do is… Chuck her in the Ute! Haha just kidding! It’s from a cartoon I made a while back.
Natural AS Colour Staple T-Shirt.